Sunday, December 29, 2019

Harrison Bergeron Essay Compare the Epic War or Socialism...

Vonneguts story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† discusses the theme equality of results, but through his satirical circumstances there is an ambiguous theme targeting Socialism and Capitalism that shines through. In the story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†, both Socialism and Capitalism are made fun of through extended satirical references. In the story, Vonneguts future predicts a rise of Socialism in America. However this Socialism relates to the equality of results as appose to equality of results. Vonnegut paints this very ugly picture of Socialism despite his views against Capitalism because of the misconceptions of the American public at that time. Hence he does not really put down Socialism but more the misconceptions of Socialism in the story. His†¦show more content†¦In the end of the story Harrison is shot ad killed on live television. Hazel, Harrisons mother, just so happens to be watching it during these events. She cries during the events but the moment George comes back into the room she forgets what she was crying about. She claims what she saw was a â€Å"Doozy† but is encouraged by her husband to, â€Å"Forget Sad Things.† Vonnegut uses this at the end of the story to predict the reaction of the general population if such an event was to take place. It seems that the reaction would be minimal and people will forget about it very quickly. In doing so Vonnegut successfully portrays his views on Socialism and Capitalism and even goes to such lengths as to predict the winner. Annotated Bibliography. Hattenhauer, Darryl. The Politics of Kurt Vonneguts Harrison Bergeron. Studies in Short Fiction 35.4 (Fall 1998): 387(7). Academic OneFile. Gale. LIRN. 6 Feb. 2009. Hattenhauer is the associate professor of American Literature at Arizona State University West. In his above article, Hattenhauer discusses the use of satire in Vonneguts story, Harrison Bergeron as used to portray the concept of true equality as being absurd and unachievable. Mowery, Carl. Overview of Harrison Bergeron. EXPLORING Short Stories† .Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003 .Student Resource Center Gold. Gale. LIRN. 6 Feb. 2009. Mowery discusses the ongoing theme of forced equality in the story Harrison Bergeron. He explores the way

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Health, Safety, And Welfare - 1515 Words

Health, safety, and welfare is of paramount concern in all assessments as without this the learner is at an unfair disadvantage. To counteract this I’m proactive at promoting and enforcing safeguarding procedures. I have a duty and responsibility to provide a service to my learners and staff that protects them from harm. The ‘Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006†² asks Assessors to protect those under 18 and all vulnerable adults (those in community care, with mental or other disability, age, or illness and who is unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation) e.g. Young mothers or anyone who needs help in society Making sure my learners and staff feel safe is my duty of care as an training centre so I make sure to apply 6 elements of appropriate service provision in all my assessing; respect, dignity, independence, individuality, choice, and confidentiality. The key process that I follow to ensure my learners are safe are to carry out a risk assessment of their needs in early diagnostic tests to determine how I can best support the learner and meet/ exceed their requirements. Inclusion is essential so teamwork, activities to improve self-esteem, and tasks that apply equality and diversity so that ALL my learners feel valued. Learners participating in the assessment process must be in an environment which will not disadvantage them in succeeding. An assessor has a duty of care to ensure there is no risk, therefore health safety and welfare ofShow MoreRelatedHealth, Safety And Welfare Of Construction1459 Words   |  6 PagesUnit 1 Health, Safety and Welfare in Construction Assignment 1 – Health and Safety Responsibilities at Work Student – Paul Fox Teacher – Mr. McNabb â€Æ' Task 1.1 - â€Æ' Task 1.2 – Taking account of the CDM regulations, outline the roles and responsibilities of each of the persons involved in ensuring that all health, safety and welfare obligations are met on this construction project. Client: Western Health and Social Care Trust- o To appoint a recognised and competent contractor. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Rural Marketing in India Free Essays

RURAL MARKETING IN INDIA: In a market where life has revolved around deep rooted community values, joint families, and social customs and taboos (women, for example, are not allowed to wear trousers), marketers realize that the traditional routes of market entry and brand building employed in urban India are often not feasible. As Adi Godrej, Chairman of the Godrej Group, says, â€Å"The challenge [for brands] is to understand the [psyche] of the rural consumer, create better distribution, and [appreciate] the heterogeneity. In recent times, rural India has witnessed a wave of change. We will write a custom essay sample on Rural Marketing in India or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dinesh Malhotra, general manager of Linterland (rural arm of Lintas), points out, â€Å"With media exposure and increasing literacy levels, people in rural India are now demanding a better lifestyle. † The educated â€Å"rural yuppie† (males in the 15-34 age group) is moving out to work in nearby towns and cities, and sending money home to his family. This has created an indirect increase in disposable incomes and a surge in demand for consumer goods. The rural youth are slowly evolving as â€Å"opinion leaders† in influencing brand and product decisions in a market that was swayed by village elders for centuries. When building a brand in rural India, word-of-mouth is a huge motivator. Focused brand-building initiatives—like participation at community events such as â€Å"melas† (village fairs), â€Å"haats† (markets), street theater, van campaigns, and puppet shows—generate positive word-of-mouth and influence buying decisions Cholayil Ltd. , a purveyor of the herbal soap â€Å"Medimix,† campaigned in mobile vans to promote its brand. We run a van campaign which visits the interior villages where there are no distributors. We halt the van at specific points [where village folks congregate and watch videos shown on these vans] and give out product samples. † However, contrary to claims of Medimix’s success, Malhotra believes that â€Å"van campaigns can be very expensive. [Al ternatively, promoting one’s brand] in large congregation points like village markets and fairs has a far wider reach, and is more cost effective. † Direct media promotions have helped build knowledge of product categories and change long-entrenched living habits. Colgate-Palmolive, a leading oral hygiene product manufacturer, entered the rural market at a time when â€Å"Neem† twigs (the Neem tree has herbal properties) and non-dentifrice products like ash, charcoal, or salt were the norm for brushing teeth (in fact in some rural pockets, this tradition still continues). In 2001, Colgate-Palmolive launched â€Å"Operation Jagruti† to educate villagers about oral hygiene and its benefits vis-a-vis traditional products like â€Å"Neem. † Through product trials and free samples, the company was able to generate awareness in this new market. On a similar note, CK Ranganathan, managing director of Cavin Kare, notes, â€Å"When we entered the rural areas in South India, people used to wash their hair with soap. When we launched the ‘Chik’ brand of shampoo we educated the people on how to use it through live ‘touch and feel’ demonstrations and also distributed free sachets at fairs. This strategy worked wonders in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh—two important states in India. Colgate and Cavin Kare have shown that communication is key when it comes to building brands in rural markets. As R. V. Rajan, managing director of the Anugrah Advertising Agency, adds, â€Å"To communicate effectively, it is important to understand the fears, aspirations, and hopes of the rural consumer. † Not to mention the traditions and stereotypes that have governed their lives for centuries. While communicating the brand message, marketers must realize that language plays a prime role. Though a large part of urban India is well versed in English (thanks to the British and modern television), in rural India, heritage plays a powerful role and regional languages are predominant. There are 15 regional languages, and 1600 dialects in India, and as one moves into the countryside, English is replaced with regional tongues. V. S. Sitaram, Dabur India executive director, explains, â€Å"Often people treat India as one big market, but the reality is that India is more like the European Union—a mix of different cultures, habits and languages. † Dabur is also considering the use of South Indian celebrities to propagate the brand message in South India. Marketing companies not only need to customize their communication, but in some cases they must also change their product names to match regional differences. Take toothpaste, for example: â€Å"Dabur’s Lal Dant Manjan† (red toothpowder in Hindi) was rechristened as â€Å"Dabur Sivappu Pal Podi† (red toothpowder in Tamil, the local language) for the South Indian market. Affordability of the product is also a critical success factor when building brands. A spokesperson from Tata Group, which retails the Sonata brand of watches to rural India, says, â€Å"[rural folks] think of a purchase in terms of how it serves their needs and how well its suits the family, rather than the individual. Products must be affordable and immensely practical. Furthermore, since the rural consumer often survives on daily wages, he engages in daily purchases. Several companies like Cavin Kare, Godrej, and Dabur adopted the â€Å"single use† sachet strategy, which has worked in their favor. As Byas Anand, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Dabur India, claims, â€Å"We introduced one-rupee sachets (2. 5 cents) for Dabur Vatika shampoo which resulted in doubling of volumes in the rural market. † Though pricing is important, rural consumers favor quality as well. For rural consumers, a purchase is a bigger investment than it is for the urban, veteran consumer. Hence, a particular brand will be rewarded only if it earns the rural consumer’s trust through consistent product quality. As R. V. Rajan says, â€Å"the rural consumer is conscious of value for money, and it might be difficult to convert him to a new brand. However, once converted he is fiercely loyal to the brand. † This issue will be a challenging one for corporations when they strategize their brand entry and decide how to balance pricing with brand quality. The challenge doesn’t end with just building brand awareness. While television and direct marketing activities help rural consumers learn about different brands, ensuring product availability is even more critical. Marketers in rural India claim that setting up a supply chain that reaches the remotest rural areas is extremely arduous given the infrastructure in the country. According to Harish Manwani, chairman of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), â€Å"The rural market [centers] are scattered over large areas and [their] connectivity to the urban centers is poor. To overcome the distribution challenge and increase penetration in rural hinterlands, HUL launched a unique operation called Project Shakti in 2001 (â€Å"Shakti† is a Hindi word which means â€Å"strength†). The project targeted rural women from existing self-help groups to work as â€Å"direct-to-home† distributors for HUL products, and helped the company break into a market they were unfamili ar with. Malhotra (Linterland) believes that, â€Å"While Project Shakti might have worked for HUL, it is not an established channel. Reasons like relatively high capital investment, gender roles, and taboos could present an upper limit to those sales numbers. According to Malhotra, a â€Å"hub and spoke† model of distribution is the â€Å"future. † As he explains, â€Å"We successfully adopted the hub and spoke model for Dabur India and it has worked very well. Here, feeder towns, primarily on the highways serve as hubs, where companies can rent a warehouse and stock their products. [Spokes are comprised of] ‘cyclist salesmen’ [who] then distribute products to small retail outlets in nearby rural pockets. † In short, customized and affordable products, effective distribution, and focused marketing initiatives are essential factors in building credibility for a brand in rural India. Brand awareness and trust will play a key role in combating the blitz of local copycat brands that are formidable competition. If marketers tailor make their brand building initiatives according to the dynamics of the rural market, it may no longer come as a surprise to see the rural Indian consumer sitting before a Samsung television, enjoying a bag of Frito-Lay potato chips, and drinking a bottle of Coke. How to cite Rural Marketing in India, Essays